Macadamize | v. | To Cover Or Pave, As A Path Or Roadway, With Small Broken Stone. |
Machinery | n. | The Parts Of A Machine Or Engine, Taken Collectively. |
Machinist | n. | One Who Makes Or Repairs Machines, Or Uses Metal-Working Tools. |
Macrocosm | n. | The Whole Of Any Sphere Or Department Of Nature Or Knowledge To Which Man Is Related. |
Madden | v. | To Inflame With Passion. |
Madonna | n. | A Painted Or Sculptured Representation Of The Virgin, Usually With The Infant Jesus. |
Magician | n. | A Sorcerer. |
Magisterial | adv. | Having An Air Of Authority. |
Magistracy | n. | The Office Or Dignity Of A Magistrate. |
Magnanimous | adv. | Generous In Treating Or Judging Others. |
Magnate | n. | A Person Of Rank Or Importance. |
Magnet | n. | A Body Possessing That Peculiar Form Of Polarity Found In Nature In The Lodestone. |
Magnetize | v. | To Make A Magnet Of, Permanently, Or Temporarily. |
Magnificence | n. | The Exhibition Of Greatness Of Action, Character, Intellect, Wealth, Or Power. |
Magnificent | adv. | Grand Or Majestic In Appearance, Quality, Or Actio |
Magnitude | n. | Importance. |
Maharaja | n. | A Great Hindu Prince. |
Maidenhood | n. | Virginity. |
Maintain | v. | To Hold Or Preserve In Any Particular State Or Condition. |
Maintenance | n. | That Which Supports Or Sustains. |
Maize | n. | Indian Corn: Usually In The United States Called Simply Cor |
Makeup | n. | The Arrangements Or Combination Of The Parts Of Which Anything Is Composed. |
Malady | n. | Any Physical Disease Or Disorder, Especially A Chronic Or Deep-Seated One. |
Malaria | n. | A Fever Characterized By Alternating Chills, Fever, And Sweating. |
Malcontent | n. | One Who Is Dissatisfied With The Existing State Of Affairs. |
Malediction | n. | The Calling Down Of A Curse Or Curses. |
Malefactor | n. | One Who Injures Another. |
Maleficent | adv. | Mischievous. |
Malevolence | n. | Ill Will. |
Malevolent | adv. | Wishing Evil To Others. |
Malign | v. | To Speak Evil Of, Especially To Do So Falsely And Severely. |
Malignant | adv. | Evil In Nature Or Tending To Do Great Harm Or Mischief. |
Malleable | adv. | Pliant. |
Mallet | n. | A Wooden Hammer. |
Maltreat | v. | To Treat Ill, Unkindly, Roughly, Or Abusively. |
Mandate | n. | A Command. |
Mandatory | adv. | Expressive Of Positive Command, As Distinguished From Merely Directory. |
Mane | n. | The Long Hair Growing Upon And About The Neck Of Certain Animals, As The Horse And The Lio |
Man-Eater | n. | An Animal That Devours Human Beings. |
Maneuver | v. | To Make Adroit Or Artful Moves: Manage Affairs By Strategy. |
Mania | n. | Insanity. |
Maniac | n. | A Person Raving With Madness. |
Manifesto | n. | A Public Declaration, Making Announcement, Explanation Or Defense Of Intentions, Or Motives. |
Manlike | adv. | Like A Ma |
Manliness | n. | The Qualities Characteristic Of A True Man, As Bravery, Resolution, Etc. |
Mannerism | n. | Constant Or Excessive Adherence To One Manner, Style, Or Peculiarity, As Of Action Or Conduct. |
Manor | n. | The Landed Estate Of A Lord Or Noblema |
Mantel | n. | The Facing, Sometimes Richly Ornamented, About A Fireplace, Including The Usual Shelf Above It. |
Mantle | n. | A Cloak. |
Man-Trap | n. | A Place Or Structure Dangerous To Human Life. |
Manufacturer | n. | A Person Engaged In Manufacturing As A Business. |
Manumission | n. | Emancipatio |
Manumit | v. | To Set Free From Bondage. |
Marine | adv. | Of Or Pertaining To The Sea Or Matters Connected With The Sea. |
Maritime | adv. | Situated On Or Near The Sea. |
Maroon | v. | To Put Ashore And Abandon (A Person) On A Desolate Coast Or Island. |
Martial | adv. | Pertaining To War Or Military Operations. |
Martian | adv. | Pertaining To Mars, Either The Roman God Of War Or The Planet. |
Martyrdom | n. | Submission To Death Or Persecution For The Sake Of Faith Or Principle. |
Marvel | v. | To Be Astonished And Perplexed Because Of (Something). |
Masonry | n. | The Art Or Work Of Constructing, As Buildings, Walls, Etc., With Regularly Arranged Stones. |
Masquerade | n. | A Social Party Composed Of Persons Masked And Costumed So As To Be Disguised. |
Massacre | n. | The Unnecessary And Indiscriminate Killing Of Human Beings. |
Massive | adv. | Of Considerable Bulk And Weight. |
Masterpiece | n. | A Superior Productio |
Mastery | n. | The Attainment Of Superior Skill. |
Material | n. | That Of Which Anything Is Composed Or May Be Constructed. |
Materialize | v. | To Take Perceptible Or Substantial Form. |
Maternal | adv. | Pertaining Or Peculiar To A Mother Or To Motherhood. |
Matinee | n. | An Entertainment (Especially Theatrical) Held In The Daytime. |
Matricide | n. | The Killing, Especially The Murdering, Of One’S Mother. |
Matrimony | n. | The Union Of A Man And A Woman In Marriage. |
Matrix | n. | That Which Contains And Gives Shape Or Form To Anything. |
Matter Of Fact | n. | Something That Has Actual And Undeniable Existence Or Reality. |
Maudlin | adv. | Foolishly And Tearfully Affectionate. |
Mausoleum | n. | A Tomb Of More Than Ordinary Size Or Architectural Pretensions. |
Mawkish | adv. | Sickening Or Insipid. |
Maxim | n. | A Principle Accepted As True And Acted On As A Rule Or Guide. |
Maze | n. | A Labyrinth. |
Mead | n. | A Meadow. |
Meager | adv. | Scanty. |
Mealy-Mouthed | adv. | Afraid To Express Facts Or Opinions Plainly. |
Meander | v. | To Wind And Turn While Proceeding In A Course. |
Mechanics | n. | The Branch Of Physics That Treats The Phenomena Caused By The Action Of Forces. |
Medallion | n. | A Large Medal. |
Meddlesome | adv. | Interfering. |
Medial | adv. | Of Or Pertaining To The Middle. |
Mediate | v. | To Effect By Negotiating As An Agent Between Parties. |
Medicine | n. | A Substance Possessing Or Reputed To Possess Curative Or Remedial Properties. |
Medieval | adv. | Belonging Or Relating To Or Descriptive Of The Middle Ages. |
Mediocre | adv. | Ordinary. |
Meditation | n. | The Turning Or Revolving Of A Subject In The Mind. |
Medley | n. | A Composition Of Different Songs Or Parts Of Songs Arranged To Run As A Continuous Whole. |
Meliorate | v. | To Make Better Or Improve, As In Quality Or Social Or Physical Condition. |
Mellifluous | adv. | Sweetly Or Smoothly Flowing. |
Melodious | adv. | Characterized By A Sweet Succession Of Sounds. |
Melodrama | n. | A Drama With A Romantic Story Or Plot And Sensational Situation And Incidents. |
Memento | n. | A Souvenir. |
Memorable | adv. | Noteworthy. |
Menace | n. | A Threat. |
Menagerie | n. | A Collection Of Wild Animals, Especially When Kept For Exhibitio |
Mendacious | adv. | Untrue. |
Mendicant | n. | A Beggar. |
Mentality | n. | Intellectuality. |
Mentor | n. | A Wise And Faithful Teacher, Guide, And Friend. |
Mercantile | adv. | Conducted Or Acting On Business Principles; Commercial. |
Mercenary | adv. | Greedy |
Merciful | adv. | Disposed To Pity And Forgive. |
Merciless | adv. | Cruel. |
Meretricious | adv. | Alluring By False Or Gaudy Show. |
Mesmerize | v. | To Hypnotize. |
Messieurs | n. | Pl. Gentleme |
Metal | n. | An Element That Forms A Base By Combining With Oxygen, Is Usually Hard, Heavy, And Lustrous. |
Metallurgy | n. | The Art Or Science Of Extracting A Metal From Ores, As By Smelting. |
Metamorphosis | n. | A Passing From One Form Or Shape Into Another. |
Metaphor | n. | A Figure Of Speech In Which One Object Is Likened To Another, By Speaking As If The Other. |
Metaphysical | adv. | Philosophical. |
Metaphysician | n. | One Skilled In Metaphysics. |
Metaphysics | n. | The Principles Of Philosophy As Applied To Explain The Methods Of Any Particular Science. |
Mete | v. | To Apportion. |
Metempsychosis | n. | Transition Of The Soul Of A Human Being At Death Into Another Body, Whether Human Or Beast. |
Meticulous | adv. | Over-Cautious. |
Metonymy | n. | A Figure Of Speech That Consists In The Naming Of A Thing By One Of Its Attributes. |
Metric | adv. | Relating To Measurement. |
Metronome | n. | An Instrument For Indicating And Marking Exact Time In Music. |
Metropolis | n. | A Chief City, Either The Capital Or The Largest Or Most Important City Of A State. |
Metropolitan | adv. | Pertaining To A Chief City. |
Mettle | n. | Courage. |
Mettlesome | adv. | Having Courage Or Spirit. |
Microcosm | n. | The World Or Universe On A Small Scale. |
Micrometer | n. | An Instrument For Measuring Very Small Angles Or Dimensions. |
Microphone | n. | An Apparatus For Magnifying Faint Sounds. |
Microscope | n. | An Instrument For Assisting The Eye In The Vision Of Minute Objects Or Features Of Objects. |
Microscopic | adv. | Adapted To Or Characterized By Minute Observation |
Microscopy | n. | The Art Of Examing Objects With The Microscope. |
Midsummer | n. | The Middle Of The Summer. |
Midwife | n. | A Woman Who Makes A Business Of Assisting At Childbirth. |
Mien | n. | The External Appearance Or Manner Of A Perso |
Migrant | adv. | Wandering. |
Migrate | v. | To Remove Or Pass From One Country, Region, Or Habitat To Another. |
Migratory | adv. | Wandering. |
Mileage | n. | A Distance In Miles. |
Militant | adv. | Of A Warlike Or Combative Disposition Or Tendency. |
Militarism | n. | A Policy Of Maintaining Great Standing Armies. |
Militate | v. | To Have Weight Or Influence (In Determining A Question). |
Militia | n. | Those Citizens, Collectively, Who Are Enrolled And Drilled In Temporary Military Organizations. |
Milky Way | n. | The Galaxy. |
Millet | n. | A Grass Cultivated For Forage And Cereal. |
Mimic | v. | To Imitate The Speech Or Actions Of. |
Miniature | adv. | Much Smaller Than Reality Or That The Normal Size. |
Minimize | v. | To Reduce To The Smallest Possible Amount Or Degree. |
Minion | n. | A Servile Favorite. |
Ministration | n. | Any Religious Ceremonial. |
Ministry | n. | A Service. |
Minority | n. | The Smaller In Number Of Two Portions Into Which A Number Or A Group Is Divided. |
Minute | adv. | Exceedingly Small In Extent Or Quantity. |
Minutia | n. | A Small Or Unimportant Particular Or Detail. |
Mirage | n. | An Optical Effect Looking Like A Sheet Of Water In The Desert. |
Misadventure | n. | An Unlucky Accident. |
Misanthropic | adv. | Hating Mankind. |
Misanthropy | n. | Hatred Of Mankind. |
Misapprehend | v. | To Misunderstand. |
Misbehave | v. | To Behave Ill. |
Misbehavior | n. | Ill Or Improper Behavior. |
Mischievous | adv. | Fond Of Tricks. |
Miscount | v. | To Make A Mistake In Counting. |
Miscreant | n. | A Villai |
Misdeed | n. | A Wrong Or Improper Act. |
Misdemeanor | n. | Evil Conduct, Small Crime. |
Miser | n. | A Person Given To Saving And Hoarding Unduly. |
Mishap | n. | Misfortune. |
Misinterpret | v. | To Misunderstand. |
Mislay | v. | To Misplace. |
Mismanage | v. | To Manage Badly, Improperly, Or Unskillfully. |
Misnomer | n. | A Name Wrongly Or Mistakenly Applied. |
Misogamy | n. | Hatred Of Marriage. |
Misogyny | n. | Hatred Of Wome |
Misplace | v. | To Put Into A Wrong Place. |
Misrepresent | v. | To Give A Wrong Impression. |
Misrule | v. | To Misgovern. |
Missal | n. | The Book Containing The Service For The Celebration Of Mass. |
Missile | n. | Any Object, Especially A Weapon, Thrown Or Intended To Be Throw |
Missive | n. | A Message In Writing. |
Mistrust | v. | To Regard With Suspicion Or Jealousy. |
Misty | adv. | Lacking Clearness |
Misunderstand | v. | To Take In A Wrong Sense. |
Misuse | v. | To Maltreat. |
Mite | n. | A Very Small Amount, Portion, Or Particle. |
Miter | n. | The Junction Of Two Bodies At An Equally Divided Angle. |
Mitigate | v. | To Make Milder Or More Endurable. |
Mnemonics | n. | A System Of Principles And Formulas Designed To Assist The Recollection In Certain Instances. |
Moat | n. | A Ditch On The Outside Of A Fortress Wall. |
Mobocracy | n. | Lawless Control Of Public Affairs By The Mob Or Populace. |
Moccasin | n. | A Foot-Covering Made Of Soft Leather Or Buckski |
Mockery | n. | Ridicule. |
Moderation | n. | Temperance. |
Moderator | n. | The Presiding Officer Of A Meeting. |
Modernity | n. | The State Or Character Of Being Moder |
Modernize | v. | To Make Characteristic Of The Present Or Of Recent Times. |
Modification | n. | A Change. |
Modify | v. | To Make Somewhat Different. |
Modish | adv. | Fashionable. |
Modulate | v. | To Vary In Tone, Inflection, Pitch Or Other Quality Of Sound. |
Mollify | v. | To Soothe. |
Molt | v. | To Cast Off, As Hair, Feathers, Etc. |
Momentary | adv. | Lasting But A Short Time. |
Momentous | adv. | Very Significant. |
Momentum | n. | An Impetus. |
Monarchy | n. | Government By A Single, Sovereign Ruler. |
Monastery | n. | A Dwelling-Place Occupied In Common By Persons Under Religious Vows Of Seclusio |
Monetary | adv. | Financial. |
Mongrel | n. | The Progeny Resulting From The Crossing Of Different Breeds Or Varieties. |
Monition | n. | Friendly Counsel Given By Way Of Warning And Implying Caution Or Reproof. |
Monitory | n. | Admonition Or Warning. |
Monocracy | n. | Government By A Single Perso |
Monogamy | n. | The Habit Of Pairing, Or Having But One Mate. |
Monogram | n. | A Character Consisting Of Two Or More Letters Interwoven Into One, Usually Initials Of A Name. |
Monograph | n. | A Treatise Discussing A Single Subject Or Branch Of A Subject. |
Monolith | n. | Any Structure Or Sculpture In Stone Formed Of A Single Piece. |
Monologue | n. | A Story Or Drama Told Or Performed By One Perso |
Monomania | n. | The Unreasonable Pursuit Of One Idea. |
Monopoly | n. | The Control Of A Thing, As A Commodity, To Enable A Person To Raise Its Price. |
Monosyllable | n. | A Word Of One Syllable. |
Monotone | n. | The Sameness Or Monotony Of Utterance. |
Monotonous | adv. | Unchanging And Tedious. |
Monotony | n. | A Lack Of Variety. |
Monsieur | n. | A French Title Of Respect, Equivalent To Mr. And Sir. |
Monstrosity | n. | Anything Unnaturally Huge Or Distorted. Moonbeam |
Morale | n. | A State Of Mind With Reference To Confidence, Courage, Zeal, And The Like. |
Moralist | n. | A Writer On Ethics. |
Morality | n. | Virtue. |
Moralize | v. | To Render Virtuous. |
Moratorium | n. | An Emergency Legislation Authorizing A Government Suspend Some Action Temporarily. |
Morbid | adv. | Caused By Or Denoting A Diseased Or Unsound Condition Of Body Or Mind. |
Mordacious | adv. | Biting Or Giving To Biting. |
Mordant | adv. | Biting. |
Moribund | adv. | On The Point Of Dying. |
Morose | adv. | Gloomy. |
Morphology | n. | The Science Of Organic Forms. |
Motley | adv. | Composed Of Heterogeneous Or Inharmonious Elements. |
Motto | n. | An Expressive Word Or Pithy Sentence Enunciating Some Guiding Rule Of Life, Or Faith. |
Mountaineer | n. | One Who Travels Among Or Climbs Mountains For Pleasure Or Exercise. |
Mountainous | adv. | Full Of Or Abounding In Mountains. |
Mouthful | n. | As Much As Can Be Or Is Usually Put Into The Or Exercise. |
Muddle | v. | To Confuse Or Becloud, Especially With Or As With Drink. |
Muffle | v. | To Deaden The Sound Of, As By Wraps. |
Mulatto | n. | The Offspring Of A White Person And A Black Perso |
Muleteer | n. | A Mule-Driver. |
Multiform | adv. | Having Many Shapes, Or Appearances. |
Multiplicity | n. | The Condition Of Being Manifold Or Very Various. |
Mundane | adv. | Worldly, As Opposed To Spiritual Or Celestial. |
Municipal | adv. | Of Or Pertaining To A Town Or City, Or To Its Corporate Or Local Government. |
Municipality | n. | A District Enjoying Municipal Government. |
Munificence | n. | A Giving Characterized By Generous Motives And Extraordinary Liberality. |
Munificent | adv. | Extraordinarily Generous. |
Muster | n. | An Assemblage Or Review Of Troops For Parade Or Inspection, Or For Numbering Off. |
Mutation | n. | The Act Or Process Of Change. |
Mutilate | v. | To Disfigure. |
Mutiny | n. | Rebellion Against Lawful Or Constituted Authority. |
Myriad | n. | A Vast Indefinite Number. |
Mystic | n. | One Who Professes Direct Divine Illumination, Or Relies Upon Meditation To Acquire Truth. |
Mystification | n. | The Act Of Artfully Perplexing. |
Myth | n. | A Fictitious Narrative Presented As Historical, But Without Any Basis Of Fact. |
Mythology | n. | The Whole Body Of Legends Cherished By A Race Concerning Gods And Heroes. |